Case Studies
Princeton, WV
Princeton has used a district-wide planning approach. The Mercer Street Grassroots District has monthly events, mixed use buildings, renovated storefronts, two new restaurants, a brewery, coffee shop and lots of foot traffic. The vision is transformational through music, the arts, and food. A local non-profit (RiffRaff Arts Collective), a foundation, state entities, and the City of Princeton have all provided catalytic capital, while repayable capital has come from banks and local residents. There has been a significant investment into public art as a key strategy including murals, open space, and facade improvements.
Grafton, WV
While railroad jobs were key to Grafton’s early growth, the loss of hundreds of these jobs in the 1980s was devastating. The Station is a collaborative project that will transform the historic Cohen Building in downtown Grafton into a mixed-use facility with office, retail, co-working, and conference spaces. Unleash Tygart, Inc., a local nonprofit, is the driving force behind the project. When it’s completed, Unleash Tygart will manage the lease contracts and oversee all its operations. Currently 80% of The Station’s projected leasable space is pre-leased.